Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Next Stop: Phuket

Today’s Thought: “Destiny is not a matter of chance; but a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for. It is a thing to be achieved.” - William Jennings Bryant

I am so looking forward to my next trip! My friend Shawie recently asked me if I wanted to join her for a vacation in Phuket. I have been dying to go there since I was staying in Malaysia (zeon years ago, ganun na katagal). My friends back there chickened out for whatever reason and back in PH, I was just happy to go out of town with friends. So when Shawie asked me, I said yes immediately. I checked the website for direct flights to Phuket where we could just meet but also checked flights going to SG. Thought it’s a good idea if we go to Phuket together. It’s almost the same price so I opted for choice #2. Next is to finalize the date when were going there. It’s off peak season till month of October but my concern is my impending work meetings here. Thankfully, I was able to iron out my schedule with our client but the September flights have doubled its price. So we agreed to have our Phuket tour early October instead. Now, where to stay? So many choices!

This one looks promising ^_^ and within budget. What’s more, it’s fronting the Patong beach, the biggest and most popular beach in Phuket (according to website research). I hope it looks exactly the same when we get there.

Last night before going to bed, I checked my self in the mirror (oh, for the love of vanity!) and contemplate if I should start a diet for the beach trip. But I remember my cake, my sweets and my jasmine rice…. Don’t bother, I got my gym membership anyway, hehe.

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