Monday, September 10, 2007

Somewhere in Between

Today’s Thought: “Everyone has some adversity. Everybody has a battle in their lives, and some are more traumatic or obvious than others. You don't necessarily have to win. You have to endure.”- Nancy Grace

No, I’m not outing myself. It was the result of the exam I recently took – EITLS, that is. Why in heaven’s sake did I take the exam? Wala lang, bakit ba? Hahahaha.

It was just a general English exam but it took half a day plus 20 minutes for the interview. Yup, may ganun pa talaga! The most difficult part was writing simply because I have not been writing through pen for a long time (thank goodness for computers and the spell checker, hehe). I felt my left arm and all my 5fingers there go numb halfway in the exam. After a week, the result (drumrolls here): 7.5. 7 is Good User and 8 is Very Good User while 9 is the highest or Excellent User. So I’m somewhere between a good a very good user. I was actually hoping for an 8 and above average but not bad I guess.

Before this, I was dead serious reviewing for another exam. I honestly felt that I damaged my eyesight with my 50 pages per day quota that I sought an eye doctor. They had this machine which will diagnose the eyes and print the result (who can contest the outcome with that?). It said my eyesight is perfect and my eyes were just way too tired. But sadly, that exam was postponed and was rescheduled 2 months before the original exam date. Maybe it wasn’t meant for me. Or maybe I’m being tested. Or maybe life sucks sometimes and my exam took a big hit. I could accept the change in schedule but what broke my heart was the fact that I only knew about the cancellation 3 days before the exam date. And I would not have known it had I not called the test center here to verify the exam location. For an international certification organization that puts focus on CIA and has a lot of integrity, this just sucks. And I didn’t receive any apologies or clarification why it was cancelled. I’ve written emails day after day to no avail. So I decided after 2 weeks to just reimburse. And of course, it took 2 months to get my money back. My friends were already teasing me that it might be a hoax site because I paid online (and it wasn’t cheap). What a big disappointment it was. It’ll definitely take a while before I’ll consider taking cissp again. Where did I put that money on instead? My PH vacation, hehe.

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