Monday, October 1, 2007


Today's Thought: "It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that infinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations" - Khalil Gibra

She was an 80’s singing child sensation that faded from the limelight as soon as she hit her teens. A picture of sweetness and innocence, but to be called as her namesake? Kebarbaridad! Hard as I look at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t see the girl, hahahaha. But that was how I was described by the pips who were at Michelle’s birthday party. She’s one of the instructors at FZ and my favorite at that. This woman kicks ass! But that’s beside the point. Me? Lilet? Should I take it as a complement or does it simply mean that I was so tame compared to the other guests there? Let me tell you the highlights of the party – daring photo shoots and body shots. Either of which I took part of but I didn’t deny that I enjoyed watching them and I had the loudest laugh (tawang bragunda sabi nga ni pareng willy). Don’t get the wrong idea coz it was clean fun regardless of the game. They were all friends there and I’m a newbie. One third of the guests were gay and the girls had an all gay attitude for fun and the guys were contented to drink and smoke and chat on the veranda, away from the photo shoots. They had to drag them one at a time and they were actually prey not predator, at least, on this party.

By 2am, the birthday girl was too drunk and begun to puke. It was time to go home for me. They had been pouring drinks non-stop since 11PM while I busy myself with the food (we had shrimp and sisig!). I didn’t want to get drunk since I still have to drive and I might get wasted that next thing I know, I’m doing body shots myself! Kebarbaridad (ulit)! hahahaha.

So I guess for that night, I was indeed Lilet.

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